Greetings Seadragon Alumni,

From: John Schwab President Seadragon Alumni Assoc.
Jerry Gruenhagen Secretary Treasurer
Subject: 2021 reunion
Here is hoping you are doing well and dealing with the virus issue as we all are having to do. Our missing the Tucson reunion was not good but necessary as was the USSVI convention cancellation this year.
As we consider the status of the virus around the U.S., and elsewhere, today, there remains concern for planning a reunion in Orlando in 2021.
The USSVI convention has been scheduled there around Labor day. However, the hotel has not been taking reservations for that yet due to the status of the virus so we’re not yet certain that will happen.
As you know a lot of planning and efforts go into a reunion by the planners and attendees to make them happen. We all don’t mind, and look forward to doing it. However, if we know in advance that there is a good chance this effort might be wasted we are considering waiting to schedule our next reunion in 2022 in Buffalo, NY with the USSVI. We expect that will be certain to make all of our planning and efforts worthwhile due to reduction or elimination of the virus due to medical advancements next year.
John will remain president and Jerry, secretary/treasurer through that next reunion. We will want to elect a new President at that reunion.
We also will want to elect a new Secretary Treasurer at the reunion. Jerry served on Seadragon in the 60’s. He has been Sec/Treas. and re-elected many times. He would like to turn the position over to someone else. Both of us invite/encourage alumni to consider those positions and be candidates for them at our next reunion. We encourage anyone considering either of those to contact us for info and coaching about these positions. We will be glad to do that.
The Seadragon Alumni Association has existed for many years now and a question does loom about how long we want to keep it going. Your input is important for a decision like this, which at some point needs to be considered. Your thoughts on this Please!
Please do reply and respond to these issues:
1. No reunion in Orlando in 2021 due to the status of the virus
2. Look to plan a 2022 reunion with USSVI.
3. Your consideration for replacing President or Secretary/Treasurer at next reunion.
4. Your thoughts and input on discontinuing the Alumni Association
Thank you much for your input by simply REPLYING to this message.
For questions you might have, contact: